Friday, December 2, 2011

More plantings and greenhouses growing!

The first group planting is done!  We planted beets, carrots (hence the name), spinach, lettuce, scallions, and cilantro. They're all under row cover because its still freezing at night. And the ditch hasn't turned on, so we're irrigating using a 125 gallon water tank which is filled in town.

The spinach and lettuce came up on Monday!! Super exciting!!

We're trying to teach Bodhi to hunt the pocket gophers that are infiltrating the potato fields.  No luck yet.

Finishing up the greenhouse. Hope to put the plastic on this weekend and put the tomatoes and peppers in on Tuesday May 10th when the ditch gets turned on. . Have had crazy non-stop wind up to 50 mph and snow and hail all last week, making it hard to work. But this week has been nice.

Greenhouse ribs

Bare greenhouse front

1 comment:

  1. Finishing up the greenhouse. Hope to put the plastic on this weekend and put the tomatoes and peppers in on Tuesday May 10th when the ditch gets turned on. . Have had crazy non-stop wind up to 50 mph and snow and hail all last week, making it hard to work. But this week has been nice. click here
